Sunday, April 1, 2012

Book Review Roundup #1

Read & Resist Tucson button

We're a little over two months into reading/resisting Tucson's decision to ban a bunch of books. Here's what people have posted from the start of the challenge through the end of March:

Remember, this is a yearlong challenge, and all you have to do to join is read and review at least one of the books on the banned list. You can submit your reviews here.

Many thanks to everyone who has submitted reviews and blogged/tweeted about Read & Resist Tucson!


  1. I think that this is an awesome idea. There was a reason these books were banned and I think it is our job to figure out why. Thanks for the list.

  2. I choose the book Ten Little Indians by Sherman Alexie. I was intrigued and curious why it was banned.

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  3. really awesome. makes me feel like a detective trying to figure out why these kind of books were banned
